Turkish kilim rugs and carpets l Handmade area rugs l Oriental style carpets


Find a comprehensive selection of hand or machine-woven Oriental and Modern Kilim rugs and Carpets for your home. Add a touch of bohemian or ethnic flair to your home decor with a beautiful kilim rug or oriental carpet. Explore the different styles of rugs or carpets and choose the right one to match your style and make your space feel cozy and inviting.

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PLUSH Velvet Double Base Combo Floor Sofa Set

Regular price Price $825.04 $888.50

Crafted with premium quality velvet fabric, these traditional double-base floor sofa sets offer not only comfort but also durability and longevity. Our sofas are filled with high-grade/density foam for creating an ultimate comfort and relaxation zone whether you use it on a bench or simply on the floor. Available in different colours.Ditch traditional...